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Active USA - Piggyback Truck Transport


Aug 1, 2014

Active USA - Piggyback Truck Transport

Q: Hey guys curious if anyone has any info on Active USA. I have an interview with them on Thursday and was trying to get a drivers side. I know that they are Teamsters and deliver (and un-deck) piggyback trucks. I'm hoping someone may have some info on both the Springfield, OH (Navistar/International) terminal and the Chilicothe, OH (Kenworth) terminal. I'm open to both, but I'm more wanting to see the difference such as sometime, pay, and general operation. About all I know is pretty much all of the loads out of Springfield, OH go into Canada. Any info, opinions or advice would be great.


A: Salary they will force you to make 50 K a year just depends on your work ethic. Benefits cost you nothing other than monthly Union dues about 50.00 a month. Airports you will spend some time in them they purchase your tickets and not many direct flights. If you do a short haul like say 250 miles you can fly or rent a car. Like I work in Denton Tx I took a run to Oklahoma City 170 miles. My wife drove up and picked me up it paid me 150.00. If they rent you a car they will pay you 0.30 a mile to drive home. I have been here since June 2014 and I have made almost 45 K.