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Big M Transportation reviews




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Ratings and Reviews

Current Employee - Jan 30, 2019

This company help put me through truck driving school and worked with me all the way. Whenever I want home time I tell them and they work their butts off to make it happen. My dispatcher always returns my calls and keeps me rolling.


No pet deposit, friendly , very homely, family oriented, caring environment


For a solo driver it takes a little longer to get your truck worked on team takes priority

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Dec 22, 2019

One of the better trucking companies you will ever find,everything great including home time,Mike is one of the best people to work for


great miles,great equipment,great people know you by name,they keep you rollin'



Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - Nov 25, 2019

My experience Orientation: they take your rental cars from you, so if you didn’t drive there in your own vehicle there is no way getting back and forth from hotel unless some one there drove there own personal vehicle. You sit in a room watching videos from the 1990s on truck awareness. On third day you will hop in truck and go on road test. Everything’s fine... then all the fun stuff happens. I get assigned a 2015 freight liner to with 60,000 miles, which I thought was weird, later I found out it had 500,000 miles but they replaced dash. According to my window sticker I needed my B service so I brought the truck to the shop and asked if they could service my truck and my APU was not working. They said you can drive a couple thousand miles and bring it back and we will service it when you get back. Fine, I get dispatched to Indiana on fed ex run, I have to be there a day early and I sat 32 hours, i was not allowed to leave the fenced in area until my load was ready. I was not allowed to go anywhere to get anything to eat...fine. I drive the load 5 hours to Ohio and no one was at drop location. I called fed ex and they asked me to leave bills and drop trailer where ever. I never left a place before without BOL signed. So I wait for 33 more hours to get a dispatch. Fine, I’m supposedly getting paid to sit so I’m not worried about it. I finally get dispatched back to the terminal so i can get truck serviced. Everything is working out, until I break down In Kentucky at 530pm during rush hour. I was on side of I-74 south and called dispatch several times with no answer, 30-45 mins later I get a hold of night shift driver manager and tell him I’m broke down. He transfers me to a voicemail. I call back and asked for help and he transfers me back to voicemail. This happens 2 more times and I asked him who is on call on service side and to just give me his cell number. I call and leave 2 voicemails and he finally calls me back. He tells me to find a truck service in my area and call them to come look at my truck... fine. They came out and couldn’t do anything, coolant sensor went out and they could not fix. So then maintenance tells me to find my own wrecker service to come tow me. Fine.... finally at 130am I get towed to freight liner. I also had to find my own hotel... which is fine that doesn’t matter I’ll help out as much as I can. But I thought it was kinda weird to call my own wrecker. 2 day’s later my driver manager calls me and asks me what’s going on with my truck. So nothing was passed on to any one... so I explained everything that my truck is in freight liner getting fixed. I call freight liner and they ask me to come to the shop to pay for it. Trucks fixed I get dispatched and hit the road. As soon as I leave freightliner shop and get on interstate truck breaks down again. I pushed the button to override truck shut down and limp back to freightliner to get fixed again. I spend the rest of day there. Driver manager never answers phone or returns calls from voicemails I left. Eventually truck gets fixed again and I head out that night to the customer. I walk inside to check in at customer and the load was taken by another trucking company. Never in my life have I been dispatched to a load that was already picked up by another trucking company. So I call night shift dispatch and let him know what’s going on. He tells me to call the broker... what? You call the broker.... what good is it going to do for me or you by calling a broker who has gave the load to another trucking company? He told me that,” I have 400 other trucks to worry about” and hangs up phone. It’s Friday night and my driver manager does not come back until Monday. So I find a truck stop and sit for 62 hours until I’m dispatched again. I get dispatched to Chicago for 8 stops unloading tires. That’s fine, I’ll do it. But why am I not coming back to terminal to get truck serviced? So I pick up tires and start going to deliver at customers who don’t have room for semi trucks. That’s fine we have all been there taking up half the road as people honk and cuss at you. 8 stops later I am done... took 13 hours and was able to make it to next shipper only to find out my load was once again.... taken already by another trucking company. Instead of calling night shift dispatch who has”400 other trucks to worry about” I wait until my driver manager comes in the next morning to explain what happened. She asked me why I didn’t call broker... why do I have to do load master and driver manager and service/maintenance job? I asked her to get me back to terminal so I can turn this truck in. I sit 2 days waiting for load back to terminal. Which is fine.... as long as I get home. I get dispatched to Knoxville and as soon as I am 5 miles away from customer my truck breaks down. 3 times in 2 weeks break down. I have to get towed 1 hour to terminal. Fine as long as I get there. I reserve car from enterprise and go talk to Jacob over recruiting and see if he can find me a ride to enterprise. He told me he was busy and to find my own way.... I walked out to the road and literally flagged some one down to give me ride to enterprise.... that I paid for to get out of there.


Only pro is me telling you to stay away from this company please


There is nothing good to say about the big m trucking

Home Time
No Rating
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 19, 2019

I like big m i just want more pay and more miles and id like to go out west i do like the ppl



Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Mar 4, 2016

Too much time waiting to unload. Backhaul are mostly broker loads. Haven't even attempted to get me"through the house". But good at getting you home for time off. Only .34 starting pay:-(


Average at best


Driver Cam/ Speed Gauge on QC

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 3 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Blue Mountain, MS on Nov 25, 2019

$808 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 4 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Ms on May 19, 2019

$615 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 1-5 Months CDL Experience

Surveyed in Blue Mountain, MS on Jan 30, 2019

$800 per week

Current Employee



Big M transportation


Feb 14, 2012

Big M transportation

Stay away from this company, Big M Transportation in Blue Mountain, MS!!!!!... They cheat you out of runs on your pay and say you didn't turn in the bills for it and won't bill it out and then you don't get your bonus at the end of the month.. They also make you pay for thier truck by keeping you 2 weeks behind in pay, and making you pay the insurance deductible if anything happens on the road or they make you just pay for it out of your check in payments at 25% interest. This place is a joke! They got more ways to take you money than congress.. And if you decide to leave they will give you a bad reference so you can't get another job and you'll be stuck here.. I loved trucking till I came here and now they say so much stuff that's not true when folks call for a reference that it's just not even funny... I've been here since '08 never been late, missed a pickup or drop, or had an accident and from what I'm hearing they say I'm a bad driver, and never on time! This place sux, I think I'm gonna go back to work in a factory... Look out for Big M and thier safety director, he's a liar and a cheat and does it all while looking you in the eyes!!! These folks are just bad news all the way around..

Big M transportation


Feb 14, 2012

Big M transportation

So I finally left Big M... They tried to hold my last checks, I had to have the police to go with me to get them, they told my current employer I was fired and I had totaled a truck there in 2001.. My current employer asked how that happened when I didn't get my cdl till 2004.. They crewed up my dac with all kind of false reporting... These guys are scum, I was top 8 of 355 drivers when I left and thats how they did me when I left... It's sad


Big M transportation


Aug 17, 2013

Big M transportation

In the last couple of months, I've seen Big M trucks involved in several accidents. Two single vehicle run-off-the-road, one single vehicle rollover, and one rear ending a four wheeler on the interstate. This says to me that either they are hiring bad drivers or just have a company culture of operating in an unsafe manner. It's just striking to see one company's vehicles involved in so many accidents in such a short period of time. I, personally, have no experience with Big M, so my analysis of what this means is pure speculation. I'd love to hear a Big M drivers perspective on this.