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Former Employee - Jan 13, 2020

applied 3 weeks ago while I was working with another company. they said your aproved and my other company I took loads back and forth from Texes to MI on my last run from texes back to MI i called the guy said before i actually quite i make sure everything is good I dont want to leave a conpany and get screwed over he replied everything is great well fly u down on the 13th. he could have verified this but instead he simply told me everything good. I fly down here finelly get checked into room at 2 AM. mind u I paid $100 to bring extra baggage because he told me they would reimburse me. so he says pick me up at 9 AM about 8:45 AM I head down to lobby all of a sudden he calls and says u didnt tell me about this ticket I said I had to take a defensive driving class and they were not suppose to add on my record so long story short I have quit my job flew down here spent money on my luggage. the guy did buy me.gray hound but for tommorrow and he did uber me to.gray hound. I get to gray hound and aperently u cant be in theor but 4 hours prior to ur ticket so I got a 50 pound bag, 25 pound back pack and I had a $139 plug in cooler but because the gray hound is in the hood some homeless guy took the cooler which is only a month old plus what was in it which was another $150 worth of stuff. this job that said it's all good now $350 in the hole and know I have to get a different job. its gonna be 2 days with out more pay. I also had contacted other drivers they all got sign on bonus and orientation pay. I was told none of that. so would I recamend this conpany they have me sitting on a curb in the cold I am.out money I would say this conpany is bullshit.he tried he had aed if their was anything else on my record that would prevent me from them being able to hire me which he never asked that. bottom line he wasted my time cost me a bunch of money and a bunch of hassle is this a good conpany I would say no stay away





Home Time
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Equipment and Maintenance
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Dispatchers and Managers
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