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Celadon reviews

$650 - $1,923/week



Home Time

Equipment and Maintenance

Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

$650 $1,065 $1,923
weekly average

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Ratings and Reviews

Former Employee - Jun 14, 2019

Great equipment and people. I was there for a year, then they forced me to go to canada. That ruined everything, so I quit.


Nice people and good trucks.


Pay wasn't very good.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 5, 2019

I was part of a company buyout 6 years ago. When Celadon's recruiter called to let me know that I was welcome to come on board (stay) with the new owners I was very upset. I told the lady "if I wanted to work for Celadon I would already be there". After calming down and thinking about it I called her back and listened to her proposal. now 6 years later EVERYTHING she told me was right not only have they been on target with what I had they have made it better.


Pay (raise every 120000 miles no caps) Bonuses (real and attainable) Vacation every 30000 Miles (up to 4 per year) Hometime ontime everytime


communication could be better equipment needs to be updated (coming soon)

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - Feb 15, 2019

Haha,truck broke down 3x before I got to the gate ,I week running with breakdowns, picking up broken trailers ,next week in a hotel ,no truck !




If you're going to work for them good luck to you !

Home Time
No Rating
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Feb 1, 2019

Started here in April 2018. I have no complaints. We, as a team, get all the miles we want and get they get us home whenever we ask.


I think it’s a great company for those starting out.


Now that we are coming up on 1 year experience, .50 split won’t cut it.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - Aug 28, 2018

Worse trucking company out here. Ran as a OO for months never made enough money to pay for any normal living expenses and bills



Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - In CDL School CDL Experience

Surveyed in Ontario on Nov 30, 2019

$1,000 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Chicago, Il on Jun 14, 2019

$962 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Indianapolis In on May 10, 2019

$769 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Terre Haute, Indiana on May 5, 2019

$1,365 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 6-11 Months CDL Experience

Surveyed in Indianapolis, IN on Feb 1, 2019

$827 per week

Current Employee



How is celadon?


Apr 18, 2016

How is celadon?

I moved over to Celadon after being with USX for eight years. I'm currently in their lease purchase program driving a new 2016 lonestar. Although costly to drive a new truck, there are less headaches in maintenance. I have a 2009 truck at the house that I lease purchased through USX and it was a costly one with constant upkeep, but that truck is now mine with the exception of getting the title straightened out (that's another long story lol).
My first week with Celadon was good then I ran into a bump with my dispatcher (driver manager) when I delivered a live unload in Laredo, TX. I was to pick up another live load the next morning and was dispatched with the current empty to pick load up. Two hours before pick up, my DM decided to tell me I needed to give the Laredo yard my empty so they could use it to pick up one of their loads. After a few rounds back and forth with him, I kept my trailer, got loaded and headed west with the load. I also have a different DM because I don't tolerate a person talking to me as that one did. All companies have thorns in the midst. Just have to know how to work around them before making the drastic decision to leave right of way. Also being careful on how you talk back, without putting yourself in a bad situation with the company in general. So far celadon has been good to work with. I'm under the 70% contract so I watch carefully the rates of loads they give me and always ask them what the rate look like in an area that I'm unfamiliar with as to avoid pulling cheap loads to keep the truck moving.

Also orientation is very different from any orientation I have ever been to. It is a two day orientation watching videos with very little human interaction. Bizarre I thought. Day one starts off with having credentials checked, drug test, and videos to watch, along with a road test to show your worthiness lol. Be warned, the is a sharp turn in the road test with a high concrete corner. Avoid this by swinging wide and utilizing your mirrors constantly as well as turning your head to make sure all is clear. Drive the school zone speed limit even when school is out. Don't drive too slow either when on the highway briefly. Day two is much of completing videos to watch, photo ID taken, truck assignment.
If you intend to lease, they send you to Quality lease which is next store to them for you to pick a truck of your choice (new or used-pricing depends on year if truck). Truck availability is random as they deal with all brands and many drivers constantly over there picking and choosing. It is a first come first serve bases.

Avoid at all cost

shadow ghost

May 18, 2016

Avoid at all cost

To all drivers who are looking on going to Quality Leasing to lease a truck on at Celadon they will rip you off. First of all they will only let you pick a truck off there stupid list of available trucks so don't go there thinking that your going to get the truck that you want because they are in control of what they want you to have . You will end up getting something that you don't want to sink your money into a lot of there trucks are pretty much beat to #### . I signed on with Celadon thinking it was going to be a good company to work for boy I was big time wrong after I started running for them the paychecks got smaller and smaller until I was receiving no paychecks I even got the miles that they wanted me to get for the month witch was 9000 miles and when payday came it was in there pocket and not mine I had returned the truck at there fontana yard and they charged me 450.00 for returning it to quality companies i only lasted there in fontana the company comes up with ways to deduct more money out of your pay I told my dm that I don't want anymore low paying loads under 1500 payable to the truck then they started to look for higher paying loads and when the found me better loads they would give them to me and an hour later they would just pull them off of me and come up with some lame ######## excuse and I would be right back to the low paying loads I really think Celadon is one greedy Company they just want to bust your ### and keep your hard earned pay . STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY



May 6, 2016


As company driver they set your fuel stops. Only the owner operators have the freedom of where to fuel

Do not lease through Celadon go where you can find your on loads


Sep 9, 2015

Do not lease through Celadon go where you can find your on loads

I leased with Celadon for 6 months. First 4 were great made great money, then slowly started sitting more and more, and remind you in 6 months i only turned down 2 loads which where either way to heavy for my Lonestar or went to close to NYC  short story short i ain't there no more, that was my only lease experience and i'd never recommend anyone lease with them!

Experienced driver orientation Laredo Tx

Paul Bunyan

Sep 5, 2016

Experienced driver orientation Laredo Tx

I'm in waxahatchie, quality will push you to lease a truck that day even if you don't want one on the list, I advise you not to do it unless it's something you want they will say they won't pay for you a hotel room but just tell them you'll just go somewhere else and there attitude changes quick. Also as most knows don't get a maxforce they have alot out here and will try to push that on you but there crap and don't get it.

Celadon Experienced Driver Orientation


Feb 16, 2016

Celadon Experienced Driver Orientation

 I have hired onto Osborn Trans. out of Gadsden, AL. They do both Celadon and Osborn orientations at this location. Orientations take place on Monday and Wednesdays

Here is the breakdown of your orientation:

Arrive the night before and call dispatch, they will come pick you up at the bus station, and take you to the hotel. At the hotel you will be given an option for dinner where you are provided a $10 card to get something to eat. The next morning, you will be picked up for an 8 am start time. At this time someone will come out in the "training room" and collect your DL SSC and medical. They also take your pic for your Comdata card. If your medical will expire in less than 6 months, you will take a new medical. You then load up in the van, and head to the drs office for DS and physicals. Pretty basic stuff no worry of sleep apnea, or other crap.

Road tests are given between day one and two, he will come get a couple drivers and take them out...

You will spend a good portion of the day waiting on that, my class had 7 as well as the Quality Drivers students that were there before us. We arrived back at the terminal around 11:30 and were given a menu to choose for lunch. It is Wal-Mart plate lunches, you can pick a salad or a meat and 2 veggies. Then as lunch is being picked up you begin the long drawn out process of computer assignments. This includes 14 Celadon training modules, that each roughly take 20-40 mins. They have a quiz attached to the back end of them. When you have completed with that, you then start on Pro-Tread videos. These are very lengthy, and they can range anywhere between 20 mins and 3 hours, including the Haz Mat training, even if you do not have the endorsement. When you have completed that (you will have an option to work on the pro-tread at the hotel on your tablet or laptop, which I suggest to help you get done faster) you will complete the onboarding paperwork (tax forms, accident, past 7 day recap, direct deposit forms) This will take you to the end of day two. By day three, they may still be waiting for your drug screen results, and to put you into hired status. Safety will come in and speak with you sometime during the morning, to pass around the haz mat books, log books, ect. They will also speak with you about the points system, and things that can get you terminated i.e. no hands free, careless driving tickets ect.

When in hired status you will be given your fuel card, meet your dispatcher, and assigned your truck, (if you are on the Osborn side this all comes down from Indy, so be prepared to wait while they finalize everything)

Since I live near the terminal, I have a chance to take the truck home before I am dispatched, but they will route you through the house to get settled in.

Thats about it, its really all just computer training, not much interaction with office personnel.


I am out, the Osborn terminal doesn't have their crap together, office personnel doesn't give a #### about drivers, and there is up to a weeks wait for a truck... Im going back to my local hometown carrier (not knight), I dont know I wasted 2.5 days on this crap.