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Central Oregon Truck Company reviews

$450 - $1,827/week



Home Time

Equipment and Maintenance

Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

$450 $1,214 $1,827
weekly average

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Ratings and Reviews

Former Employee - May 21, 2021

I worked here during the 'Glory Years' as I like to call them. Before the company sold out to Daske and when they made the Top Companies to Drive for several years in a row (Notice how they can't make the list now). It was a great, fair company. Now that they've sold out and have the safety net of a large company backing them they can do things they would have never done before. Like treating their drivers like property instead of drivers. There is no "Dispatcher" at this company and you don't have a Driver Manager. You have a Driver Coach. Which used to mean something. They used to say things like 'This is how you can do better' and would try to help you improve as a driver but now it's just negativity. They would rather harass you and micro manage you. Call you after you've been in the sleeper for 11 hours asking why you're not moving yet. "If you leave now and drive hard you can probably make it there before they close and they'll unload you tonight! I already looked and you'll have enough hours to drive to the shipper to night for this next load tomorrow morning". They will keep pushing you to run harder because they need to make some mileage quota that the boss can take to Daske. He needs that bonus to pay for more toys like that giant F350 he parks out front. They expect you to drive out all your hours and run recap doing short 500 mile runs. Tarping and untarping at each one. *** They've installed inside facing cameras and they take great pleasure in watching them and "Monday morning quarterbacking" *** They will call you and criticize you for every little thing that happens, regardless of fault. Someone cut you off? Well it's your fault for not slowing down enough. They will also abuse them. I've walked in on them mocking and laughing at another drivers on the camera. Everything from what they're listening to to what they're wearing. If you quit, they will also do everything they can to make it difficult for you to find another job. They'll write up every little thing as an 'Accident' so when your next employer contacts them for verification they'll get something saying you had 12 accidents and of course your application is immediately thrown in the trash. If they don't then COTC isn't afraid of making false claims like 'He started a fight at a customer' or 'We caught him stealing things' or anything else to make the driver look bad. The sad thing is, because most truck drivers are scum and people just aren't honorable anymore they're more likely to trust the company's words over the new hire. I would too, most truck drivers are pigs who would lie about anything to get new job. Sadly the few who aren't suffer from this. For time off, it's mandatory that you take your home time on a Friday. Home time is usually Friday till Wednesday morning. They do this so that people can't waste a week of time at home since loading places are not open on Weekends. Lastly, because it's a small company there is a group of but kissers or 'Elite Fleet' drivers. They will try to act like your friend but as soon as your back is turned they'll tell Br - - everything you said. They will also take pictures of your truck/load or anything else and send it in too. The male management tends to act like more like a fraternity. This is especially noticeable at the yearly driver appreciation party. A few good things about the company. They've divided up the US into different segments and depending on where you are, is who you call if you have any loading issues. I would say this is actually a major pro when compared to other companies because there's no DM middle-man. You're talking to the person at the company who is directly involved with where ever you're loading/delivering to. This may have changed, but another major pro is there was/is one main shop manager you call if you have issues. This is really nice if you have issues or your truck is having multiple issues because you don't have to talk to some minimum wage desk clerk who only cares about your driver number. The shop guys here are jerks just like the ones at every other company but at least the main guy in the office is extremely nice and helpful. Thanksgiving / Christmas are (or were) Mandatory Home Time days. Which is good and bad. Good because you're home for the holiday but also bad because 'at home' usually means just for that day or they got you on a route through the house.


New trucks have APUs, no middle-man for load/unload issues


cameras in trucks, managers get off on micro managing drivers and pointing out their mistakes

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 17, 2021

They take the time to hear what your needs are and bend over backwards to make sure they do everything to make you happy. Expect to work hard, but he paid nicely for it! If you have problems, they will work with you to get it resolved ASAP.


Some of the best pay in the Industry. Great team to help you be successful, get home and make your time on the road valuable!


They will plan to maximize all your hours, so you will work hard, but the pay is great. They are fair!

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - May 11, 2021

You will not get paid for tarping! Each load is 98 percent taping! They promise to get you home on time that's a lie! Your out 3 weeks when you go home for 5 days their sending you a load to cut in your home time! Home for 3 days!! Victoria was rude to a lot of drivers!! Come on over good drivers to be a owner operator where you can make 5 thousand or more a week!!!!!!!


Pros at making you TARP every load


Professional LIARS

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Mar 16, 2021

Everyone who works for COTC is very kind & helpful. I enjoy working for COTC. They treat all employees with respect. Everyone helps out one another


Great company


I-80 & I-70 closes alot I winter, slowing me down

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 12, 2019

Best company out they great pay 80k a year job great people consistent miles and pay truely care about their drivers will be retiring here




65 mph

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Grand Junction, CO on May 21, 2021

$1,058 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - ... CDL Experience

Surveyed in Redmond, OR on May 17, 2021

$1,827 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 3 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Lenox, MA on Mar 16, 2021

$1,308 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Pocatello, Idaho on Aug 26, 2020

$1,000 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 3 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Redmond or on May 12, 2019

$1,538 per week

Current Employee
