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CR England reviews

$350 - $5,769/week



Home Time

Equipment and Maintenance

Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

$350 $881 $5,769
weekly average

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Ratings and Reviews

Former Employee - Apr 21, 2021

Half of the equipment is decent. I was supposed to get a brand new truck but then I ended up forced teams in a 3+ year old truck 400k+ miles. Me and my forced partner used to joke about the truck being a secret unlock-able vehicle on like GTA. The truck was solid actually. I had less problems with that old cascadia truck than I did with brand new trucks *coughs international* My biggest check pretty much the entire three months I was there was like $500 that's team driving because of the supposed guaranteed pay period. They always tried to sell teams as paying more when in reality it didn't. I knew it immediately they'd say something like 34 cpm split is more than 34 cpm as a solo I'd be like no wait that's less, but everyone else seemed to follow along and I think they believed them. I mean I didn't have a choice the recruiter I had he told me there was a pool at the facility I trained at (there was but it was filled in with cement) there was a shuttle bus (I never seen it one time we actually huddled together to share ramen noodles during training and I guess there was even some guy that died of a heart attack died on the stairs at the hotel I stayed at) my recruiter said I could go solo after training, I'd make $900 a week (depending on me personally how I ran) pretty much everything the recruiter told me wasn't true, my short lived three months experience left me with a lifetime of stories. I did see pretty much the entire country in like a month that was the only neat thing but I was away from family. After training which was very rushed it was hard to get actually into a truck to train and if you didn't do precisely as the trainer said they'd yell at you to get out of the truck as if it was bootcamp (the older experienced guys anyway) but trainees are REQUIRED to sign a 1 year contract or pay for training. They'll take anyone but they make money regardless. When I was in FORCED teams AFTER training it is HORRIBLE sharing a tiny space with some random stranger. I had two partners the first one didn't even have a CDL lmfao Idk how he somehow made it into Phase 1 of training without a CDL I felt nauseous when I found out at the end because he was driving on mountains where the cliff was very steep and he was going very fast which was terrifying to try and, "sleep" through that. The very last day oh he said he didn't even have a CDL which means he skipped training with a permit. I had my CDL during phase 1 supposed to be a requirement for Phase 1. I think I drove maybe 3000-3500 miles a week I'm not sure but my pay never hit over $500 I remember driving all those miles but I also remember when my two different driving partners were driving they would listen to the radio full blast which is hard ot sleep when someone's jamming to Michale Jackson on 24 on the stero while you sleep. At first I was courteous and I didn't do the same back but the last week I did I listened to Michael Jackson at 24 volume myself and I could see finally my driving partner learned maybe it's not good to jam to music while someone is trying to sleep. It was pretty crazy pay was low equipment was hit or miss loads were sometimes impossible to back into which if it came to that I had to do the backing. I was so sleep deprived that I knew if I wanted to get sleep I had to get everything done as fast as possible so I would do the hard backing for my partner, but we were both Phase 2. When I finally had enough and was threatening to quit the DM held the contract over my head threatening to sue. As if I cared lol I told him I get my own truck or I walk. I never agreed to train or to do forced teams. So I left.


Get to see the country, terminals are nice especially LA (I almost want to go back just because of that terminal) you get experience I guess


pay can be $20 a week even during guaranteed pay time of $500/week, $6k contract, forced teams is like torture.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - Jan 23, 2021

If I could give this company a minus 5 I would. England is the worst company I have every worked at in my 41 years of driving. I spend 2 years at the Casa Grande AZ location and am sorry I stayed that long. They have new faces all the time. Some of them weirder than I knew that was out there, low class, foul month. They will hire any body that walks in. Dispatch office will lie to you about everything. Your assigned a truck but most of the time when you get to work it is out with someone else so they give you some other one. Trailer seals, paper clips, store maps and trash or what ever is left inside the truck. I have seen many drivers not do Pre or Post trips with equipment just get in and drive off. Dispatch office knows and admits this is happening and does nothing about it. I have experienced many, many, many times trucks left broken in some way and having to go to the shop to see if it can be fixed or have to go back to the office and get another one before doing anything else. At least two times that I can remember I had to turn over 3 trucks in one night too the shop because I couldn't take it out. Then get to the trailer and something wrong with it, example, broken leaf springs, missing trailer registration, flat tires, one time license plate was gone and plate light hanging down by the wire, something ran into it and broke it off. Because air leak tests are not done I have found several trailers with air leaks. One night the blue line that connects to the trailer was so lose you could screw off the glad hand from the line. All trailers which are owned by Walmart have some kind of damage too them from drivers running into yellow poles around stores, dents or small damage to front of trailer and scratches along the sides from trees limbs that are not keep trimmed back very well behind the stores. Recently a trailer landing gear was hit with or by something and sitting in the yard on stands because it was folded up underneath the trailer and underneath all torn up. Hasn't been the first time that has happen. This should indicate to you how unsafe this place is and the quality of the driving experience some of these people have. England boasts about "Safety is a top priority" this is a joke as you can see. I could go on but hopefully you are getting it, if you can work for someone else.


There are none


6 day 10-12 hour work week. You deserve to be paid better for these kinds of hours. Everyone complains about the same things, moral sucks, this includes the shop mechanics.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Jan 10, 2021

Great company as long as you aren't OTR dollar general dedicated account is amazing home every week for about 2 or 2.5 days I great communication with my DM and getting paid 1600 per week pretax


Great communication Great pay Great hometime


No real cons my life rating on equipment and maintenance was because I don't like the equipment

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Sep 13, 2020

I personally dont have any complaints... If your not making money you more then likely didn't know how to run or ran late often


Stays busy


Sometimes to busy

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Former Employee - Aug 24, 2020

Probably the worst company in the industry, certainly the worst I’ve ever worked for. If you get your CDL through them, they try to lock you into a contract for 9 months to 1 year. Starting pay at Phase 1 trainee was $10HR, then at Phase 2 second seat was .14 cents per mile, Phase 2 first seat was .16 cents per mile...and this is the first six months. I took home about $450-$600 per week, running 7 days a week, truly not worth it. You have to beg the phase 2 coordinators and payroll for the .2 cents raise you’re entitled to. Most of the Phase 1 trainers don’t have much driving experience, so you have to train yourself. The Phase 2 first seats think they are your trainers and try to order you around and take advantage of you. They make it next to impossible to find another company to hire you because of a non-compete clause in the contract. Many companies won’t hire you until your CRE contract is complete. Forced team driving for the first 6 months at least. They will forced you to live in a truck with all types of weird and disgusting characters, then they will swap you into other trucks sporadically without any explanation. Driver managers (dispatchers) are extremely rude and disrespectful, they talk to you like you’re a convict. If you even stop to drop a deuce, they send you messages asking, “why aren’t you moving?” Safety department is no different, they speak to you very rudely. If you request home time, they will ignore your request unless you harass them everyday for two weeks leading up to it. Once you’re at home, they call you everyday asking are you ready to come back and they send you emails threatening to terminate you for unauthorized absence, when it’s completely authorized. I left after 6 months and went to Swift, one of the best decisions I ever made, totally different experience.


Gets you a CDL.


Extremely low pay, rude, disrespectful, predatory, home time, contract, poor training, automatics restriction, forced team driving, non-compete agreement.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 6-11 Months CDL Experience

Surveyed in South Holland, Illinois on Apr 21, 2021

$500 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 4 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Franklin, VA on Mar 26, 2021

$1,212 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Casa Grande, Arizona on Jan 23, 2021

$1,000 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 1 Year CDL Experience

Surveyed in Scottsville, KY on Jan 10, 2021

$1,600 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 6-11 Months CDL Experience

Surveyed in Nevada on Sep 13, 2020

$1,200 per week

Current Employee



CR england, 5 months later. . .

mudding in 18 wheeler lol

Jun 8, 2016

CR england, 5 months later. . .

I used cre to get started out as well. Did otr and was lucky to find a team driver that I got along with well. Cannot complain because cre was fair, I did my six month requirement driving for them and then was able to get an easier job paying around a thousand each week.


Once you are satisfied with your driving experience and ability keep an eye out for a chance to move up.

CR England?


Feb 26, 2015

CR England?

i pull for CRE, just a rook but that is why i came here first for my career, i got my license and endorsements before hiring on, CRE is considered a "training" company and there are many opportunities here as a new driver


i am on a dedicated fleet and one of my fellow drivers who is a solid veteran driver told me a story yesterday about when he was caught in an adverse weather situation in Washington state, he was hauling $250k worth of avocados in his refer and almost ran out of refer fuel while he waited on the side of the road for two days, this driver siphoned fuel from his tractor into his refer and saved the freight


when he got back to the CRE yard in Salt Lake City, Gene England was there waiting for him and when he got out of his truck, Mr. England thanked him for his initiative and handed him a check for $1,000

CR England?


Feb 26, 2015

CR England?

we have 4,000 drivers at CRE so CRE is not at the bottom of "everyone's list" and please know i am not here to promote or defend CRE, just sharing my personal CRE experience which has been pretty great so far


both of my phase 1 trainers were making six figures--they showed me their pay settlements


you may not believe this story either but here goes: when i was in Phase 1 my first trainer jack knifed on black ice and was terminated, then a couple days into my second trainer's truck, who was mentally unhinged and likely clinically depressed, he flew into a rage and suddenly kicked me out of his truck at midnight at a small ts in the middle of Tennessee, he said i did not accelerate onto the highway "fast enough" so he made me immediately pull off and ordered me and my gear out of his truck, and then he drove off into the night leaving me there alone


a few days later after i submitted my "trainer review" to the company, Mr. Dan England called me on my cell phone to discuss the Tennessee incident and he apologized for the trainer's behavior

CR England


Jul 5, 2014

CR England

But for those of us who have actually read the book, our warnings are just that. The decision is yours to make, but you will also have to suffer any/all consequences that could very well happen.


As for their SLC facility, I found it to be their best location... however, beware of bed bugs at both the motels and dorm rooms. Good luck.


BTW, I hope you will resist the urges to buy all of the overly expensive CRE jackets/t-shirts/mugs/etc that will on sale at the school. That crap is nothing but a waste of money and the school is simply taking advantage of kids who don't know any better than to buy the junk... and it certainly won't help you pass the tests or get an actual job/LEASE offering.


Plus, be sure to lock all your stuff up -- CRE roomates have been know to steal stuff as they're leaving to go back home.

CR England


Jul 7, 2014

CR England

I really didn't want to drive for England either after 7 years off the road but so far as I'm about to complete my phase 2 training, it hasn't been as bad as I was led to believe..... I'm sure that my previous experience help me a lot and I understand many positive changes have been implemented in the past few months.... Having said that, I doubt very much I'll be staying after my 6 month comitment is up......not a solo friendly company.......teams/training is push and so far that's what I've done..... I have been training my phase 1 and 2 trainers, lol, a scary thought...... Drivers with 6 months or less experience have no businesses training has been OK.....$9 to $10/hr while on duty or driving, in my case I've done well...good luck to you....

CR England


Jul 7, 2014

CR England

Well that good attitude and positive attitude I went in with got me through and I stuck with it to get my cdl. And the instructors do teach u how to drive the England family is the problem and how they treat everyone that works there I'm still positive I'm not going to let that place bring me down its only goingto make mw so much better

If I just quit CR England will swift buy out my contract?


Apr 9, 2016

If I just quit CR England will swift buy out my contract?

Met a driver trainer with 10 months at CRE and truck driving today at the pumps. He was training two girls in his truck at the same time.


He asked about my company.... Just waiting out his two months.


He said he knew he was at the wrong place right away but he couldn't just incur that amount of debt and be unemployable.


Then he asked me what I make... Not really sure how to answer this question. Is it normal to discuss these things at a gas pump?


Standard answer:

"I am well compensated for my time."

CR England.....Again


Mar 11, 2016

CR England.....Again

I work for Cre running a dedicated lane. I don't train but do run as a team. Money is good and don't plan to leave anytime soon.

Nightmare on CR England St.


Jul 7, 2016

Nightmare on CR England St.

Cr england has some decent dedicated accounts. When I was training with them my trainer was making forty something cents a mile for both him and me. We were doing the jc penny accounts out of Spanish Fork Utah. Pretty much the same routes all week then a 34 hour reset on Friday.


After my first day of driving my trainer said Nice Job and spent the rest of the time in the sleeper when I was driving. He was making around two grand each week for a virtual team operation that month.

Nightmare on CR England St.


Jul 7, 2016

Nightmare on CR England St.

I'm currently working for cre. As with comments you've read before about how bad it is mostly true they don't take care of their drivers in any way. I'm in a dedicated fleet out of front royal va at there best payed account. Currently being payed 40c/m 2-3000 miles a week (solo) so that's not to bad. Our record of being accident free is 28 days (three years ago) on average we get 10-20 people a month replaced due to wrecks, log violations, dsp points and in general where a lot leave. that's just what I've personally seen myself. If ur on I-64 and see a red peterbilt that would be me

Expirenced driver's at CRE


Jul 27, 2016

Expirenced driver's at CRE

Q: Are there any experienced drivers that came over to C.R.E. even after hearing the negatives and you came over and are doing pretty well. Just want to get some feedback. I have 4 years experience and they want to bring me in as a trainer. I've heard a few drivers say they are doing well.


A: I'm guessing you want to stay a company driver?
You will make money as a trainer. You will spend all your time living with a stranger, that doesn't know anything about trucking except what he's going to learn & experience with you. 6 or 7 out of 10 of your students are going to be FREAKS. You will not sleep a whole lot while you have a FREAK, they don't have much common sense, hence they become FREAKS.

If you consider doing it as a lease op, take some sand paper, rub your balls with it, that's about how it's going to feel if you lease a truck.
Just stay company and let the students tear up the company truck.

Take the extra accidental death & dismemberment insurance.

CRE is a weird place. BUT they do have some hot women.

You probably make 65 to 70 a year as a company trainer. Probably make 45 to 50 as a lease trainer after you pay for all the stuff the students do to your truck. Just do it as a company driver if you do it.


As long as you do it as company you'll never lose at least, just sleep lol. I use to have them back when we had a down day, and you will, at truck stops, until they get tired, they only learn so fast. When they were exhausted backing, then map, always map, after their shift, constantly, CRE has it set up so that a chunk of the students pay comes from them completing training module every week while they are with you, and taking a test on the QC. They really do have a good training program. And the student must pass their obstacle course before he's hired to even get on your truck, that means he's got at least a little bit of a clue. So many of them just do such dumb stuff though, omg, you'll see lol.

Trainer Pay


Jul 27, 2016

Trainer Pay

A: They booked me for orientation in a few weeks, I have four years of experience and I already know their reputation. I've heard mostly bad and a few goods about CRE. I was told by the recruiter that the trainer pay is "0.34 cpm" for all miles. I've been off the road for about 3 months and one thing I can say about CRE is that are a true 48 state company which I am looking for Just don't like the negatives I hear, but that is at every company. Still praying about it.


A: You'll make money at that rate. You should average 4500 miles a week. If you get a strong student you'll do almost 5000. Yes CRE you will get around lol. They have some long runs.