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Foodliner reviews




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Ratings and Reviews

Current Employee - Nov 7, 2018

Foodliner pays less for “on duty” time than for “drive” time. When I asked why, upper management said that “on duty” time wasn’t productive time. So therefore loading and unloading isn’t being productive. Guess we should all just drive around empty every day.


Foodliner will hire anybody


Foodliner will work you into the ground. Foodliner will tell you anything they think you want to hear.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Jul 3, 2018

Mangers do not have a clue they pride themselves that they care about you bullshit load only like every other trucking companu...



1000 a week sounds great but once you add all the free time you give them your onley making 10 rollers a hour pre load for free unload for free

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 22, 2017

Dispatch is retarded, trucks are way underpowered, good hometime, pay is good IF you get good runs , some drivers get the money makers all the time cause there buddy's with the FM, most of the trailer are old,


Hometime, Pay


Equipment, Waiting for loads,most of the time your over weight on your axles

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Stockton on Nov 7, 2018

$1,000 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 4 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in on Jul 3, 2018

$1,000 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 2 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Mn on May 22, 2017

$1,000 per week

Current Employee



Foodliner pet policy


Feb 23, 2015

Foodliner pet policy

No pets. I always took em anyway. Rotten place to work

Which is better job


May 18, 2016

Which is better job

A: Idk bout the work, but I see Foodliner guys at Kraft everyday....don't seem like a very pleasant bunch

A: Have a few dedicated Foodliner guys I see at a location I drop all the time. They are ALWAYS broken down....literally. I'm talking I see the same few guys broke down 2-3 times a week. I'd say good choice on QC.

A: Foodliner has under powered junk for trucks.


Looking for a good non oilfield tanker job in the upper Midwest (Fargo area)


Dec 30, 2015

Looking for a good non oilfield tanker job in the upper Midwest (Fargo area)

 Foodliner has terminals in Fairmount • Grand Forks • Wahpeton

Pumping some life into the Foodliner thread!


Feb 7, 2016

Pumping some life into the Foodliner thread!

Q: Are their trucks governed? Im planning to move back to Philly from this hellhole in Florida..

A:  Yes they're governed..65 mph.

Pumping some life into the Foodliner thread!


Feb 7, 2016

Pumping some life into the Foodliner thread!

Q: How's their hometime? I spoke to Kathy out of the Newark DE Terminal. She told i had to be out 3 to 4 nights a week. I dont mind as long as the money is good and i could a 34 at the house..

A:  Yeah I know Kathy and Doug the terminal manager.
They tell you out right that YOU are going to sleep in the truck..after all it has a sleeper.
Doug likes to get his drivers home for the weekend so you should be fine.
Just remember stuff happens and you may get stuck out.
Money wise it's up to you.
I ran Canada and that made a HUGE difference in my check.
They aren't a bad outfit..not perfect but what company is?

Which company do you recommend me in NJ

Dogals right foot

Aug 8, 2015

Which company do you recommend me in NJ

I did very well at Foodliner.
Ran a ton of Canada..I was the only guy at my terminal who would every week.
Averaged $1500-1800 in 5 days..$150 border crossing each time.
Home every weekend in order to do my 36 hour reset(Canadian rules).
Ran out of the port of Newark NJ and Blommer Chocolate in PA.

They're a pretty good company..I'd still be there but there was some kind of dispatcher fight and the Canada freight dried I moved on.

You have to have 1 year experience before they will hire tanker experience is ok.