Old Iron Truck Lines reviews

$693 - $5,000/week



Home Time

Equipment and Maintenance

Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

$693 $3,359 $5,000
weekly average

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Ratings and Reviews

Current Employee - May 27, 2021

Bet ya thats Bryan B A R T E R. Lol he got caught driving one of the trucks on the rapid transit routes in Winnipeg. Took out a sign etc. Cost the company a bunch of money


Draining the swamp


Their history

Home Time
No Rating
Equipment and Maintenance
No Rating
Dispatchers and Managers
No Rating

Former Employee - May 25, 2021

Past driver here that is still waiting on money from the labor board owed to me. The boss is a troubled one. She has great visions for the company but zero intention of ever keeping her word. I had enough and moved on. I would recommend to not even bother with the company. I saw multiple times where she intentionally gave less than ideal runs to drivers, or had them sit extended periods without a load just so they would quit. The company trucks vary in different issues, all which do not get serviced properly and cause lots of issues on the roads. All of the trailers are usually rentals from Ocean Trailers. The office was a mess, way to many hang ups on their end, lots of border hold ups, not knowing where your next load is until your empty and waiting.They say to aim to be out for two weeks but try to keep pushing it more and more and get frustrated when you refuse. There is a new facebook group that popped up detailing many possible drivers and companies this company owes money to. Search (Old Iron Truck Lines and the people it owes money) on facebook. I am not sure if they have turned things around since I left. But I know there are many people out there that this company has left a bad taste with.


Some of the new equipment was nice. When the office had their end sorted out the loads went smoothly.


Too many to list. here are a few: *Boss is spiteful *Too many people trying to run the show in the office *Too many promises never fulfilled *Pay is never on time, If at all

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Apr 3, 2021

Signed on a couple months ago. Office could get a bit more organized but I haven't sat at all since I started.


Keeping me busy on the road


Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Mar 13, 2021

A previous driver said it the best. They drained the swamp. The trolls can't seem to move on lol. And yes the future is looking very bright.


Tons of work



Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Mar 12, 2021

My experience with Old Iron has been a positive one. The owner is hands on and also is a hard working driver. We have had some challenges that we are meeting head on. The future looks bright.



Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Owner Operator - ... CDL Experience

Surveyed in Deck on May 27, 2021

$4,808 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 2 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Winnipeg, MB on May 25, 2021

$693 per week

Current Employee


Owner Operator - ... CDL Experience

Surveyed in on Apr 3, 2021

$4,135 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - ... CDL Experience

Surveyed in on Mar 13, 2021

$1,250 per week

Current Employee


Owner Operator - ... CDL Experience

Surveyed in on Mar 12, 2021

$2,115 per week

Current Employee
