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QC Energy


May 9, 2013

QC Energy

Worked for them in PA, with overall good results. I was hauling water/brine/flowback/production, night shift at $21/hr. Would have never left, except the affiliate running my location (since bankrupted by a fatality, rumour has it) had 2 very distinct problems that resulted in them losing their largest (and ONLY nearby) company contract. First, their mid-upper management had a distinct problem with telling their customer no, when presented with reasonable requests. This isn't good when this is your ONLY egg in the basket. Secondly, they hired anyone with a pulse, and wound up with an inordinate number of employees who couldn't drive offroad, could barely drive onroad, and were not receptive to training when it came to operating the pumps on the truck (spills galore, operator error mostly). 

Cliff notes: Can be good, just watch for excessive hiring of people who just plain have no business in a truck. Hopefully since QC corporate has the reins of QC Energy now, that will get better.

Caveat: since then, at least in NE PA, they have gone on a bit of a buying spree trying to get a foothold back, and failing miserably. They bought a local mud hauler who very soon lost all their contract work, and local news is they've bought one of the larger local water haulers. Hmm, time will tell.

QC Energy


Apr 12, 2015

QC Energy

QC Energy Is ok for folks with low aspirations. They don't pay well

QC Energy


Aug 8, 2015

QC Energy

I Love it at Q.C. I have been there since the yard opened. So I make better more then sombody walking in the door now. But they was paying more then too.