Status Transportation reviews




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Ratings and Reviews

Current Employee - Nov 11, 2019

Started with Status Transportation on 11/04/19. Had a job booked on 11/07 from GA to OK that cancelled. Then, 10 minutes later dispatcher has another job from GA to NC that cancelled. Finally, the dispatcher got me an assignment from GA to Syracuse, NY. Dropped the load without any problems, head to next load 63 miles away only to learn this is a premature load dated not scheduled to move until 11/17. Next, the dispatcher is going home because it’s 4pm on a Friday so he passes me along to the weekend dispatcher who does not report to work until allegedly 8am the Saturday Morning. He finally sends me a load near Binghamton, NY at 11:56am (4 minutes before it time to leave which is 12 noon for weekend dispatchers), I arrive at the shipper only to find the load was double-booked and another driver was already in the dock. No one from that point to speak to in the office. Just dead headed home to Washington, DC because these guys aren’t available until Monday. In conclusion, trucking is a career for most of us, these guys are working a job, there’s a major difference. They are going home, you need dispatchers who are willing to go the distance just like we are. THAT’S A FACT! When situations like what I described above happens, it’s not a coincidence, believe it! THAT’S A FACT! I’m not here to bash any company, but I will call out bullshit! In this industry, the driver must and will be held accountable for anything that goes wrong, however, it’s about time these guys be held to the same standard. It’s unfortunate that Status Transportation is nothing more than a poor man’s LANDSTAR...THAT’S A FACT!!! Just like us, we are judged on our actions and performance, not empty words! When someone shows you who they are, believe it! Do not let you mind override what your eyes clearly can see!



Home Time
No Rating
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Owner Operator - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Orlando, Florida on Nov 11, 2019

$3,462 per week

Current Employee
