Tate Transportation reviews




Home Time

Equipment and Maintenance

Dispatchers and Managers

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Ratings and Reviews

Former Employee - Oct 23, 2019

Beware! Driver facing camera! Video and audio. Dispatch monitors your activity in the cab. Background: I was fed the standard lie when I interviewed recently. You know the one. Prior to the drive test they were hot to hire me based on my qualifications. Rather than allow me to pre-trip the truck so low, they attached a custodian, some guy pushing a broom when I arrived earlier, to accompany me in the cab. What is even more strange, is that the custodian began to ask me personal questions. I thought, why would he ask me personal questions and try to buddy buddy with me, a total stranger. Trusting my instincts I popped off a couple of snide remarks about the owner. Nothing insulting or inappropriate but certainly indicative of my willingness to tow the company line. As soon as I returned from the drivetest I was told that the position had already been filled. You do the math. Personally, I'm a big fan of Drive cams. A DUI driver cross the Centerline hitting me head-on at 85 miles an hour. I survived but the other driver was not so lucky. I was exonerated by the drive cam video. The surviving relatives had no standing in court. However, use of a drive cam to invade my privacy, not cool. Tate has no policy protecting personal privacy while in the cab of their trucks. Besides, they pay about 40% less than Walmart, Ryder, or Old Dominion. If you're going to be out all week with a home time 34-hour reset, you're better off shopping your talents around the industry.


Practically new equipment Regularly scheduled maintenance


No privacy Low pay/ Low miles (under 450/day) Unpaid labor (chaining especially)

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Walla Walla, WA on Oct 23, 2019

$923 per week

Current Employee
