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Towne Air Freight / Forward Air ??


Feb 7, 2015

Towne Air Freight / Forward Air ??

We have worked for both companies. We started with Forward Air back in 2002. We worked for them for 8 years. The company has steadily gone downhill in the treatment of drivers. The will sit the teams making the higher pay and give loads to teams making less, just to line their pockets. Towne Air was a great place to work. Nice people, good miles, but we got rid of our truck and went back to a small company that gets us home every weekend for two days and we still net over $8000 a month. I wouldn't work for FAF again if it were the last company on the face of the earth. Drivers we know that are still there are looking to leave!

Towne Air Freight / Forward Air ??


Feb 7, 2015

Towne Air Freight / Forward Air ??

Your right they are bad to work for. Towne takes as much as they can from IC drivers and I'm sure forward air will follow in their footsteps. So much fowl play by terminal managers and no ones watching them and what they are doing

Towne Air Freight


Nov 15, 2012

Towne Air Freight

I worked for them around 2004 as a company driver, not an oo. About 5 of us got hired at the same time and roughly lasted about the same amount of time (6 weeks or less). It's been a while so it's hard to exactly remember, but they had some kind of crazy pay scheme. We were hired hourly to find out it wasn't hourly. It was some hour to mile or trip equivalency and there was some crazy procedure to actually get paid part of it hourly if you didn't get enough miles or if you were delayed or something (sorry, it was a long time ago), kind of like a draw vs commission thing in sales. It was horrible and all of us got screwed for money. I think within 6 weeks I got screwed for about $600. For me, definitely one of the worst places ever. And there was something I remember about a company called Service First from Florida. Somehow they were tied up in this, but I don't remember exactly how. Can't imagine the owner operators would be treated better. Sorry to give bad news.

It's been quite a few years since then, things may be completely different. Good luck.