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Arnold Transportation Services reviews




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Ratings and Reviews

Former Employee - Sep 17, 2020

Pass this company up, unless you have no other options. The people are nice, but the office is unorganized. Right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Ever. The first 5 or 6 weeks, I was calling payroll every week about missing reimbursement pay. Detention pay is also hard to get out of them. Don't count on the guarantee pay either. They owed me over $350, and didn't pay up. That's why I quit. The miles started off ok, but went to crap after three weeks. The trucks are underpowered. They have them set on the lowest power curve in the truck's computer. Unless you have a medical reason, the trucks won't idle when the temperature is between 35 and 70, which is dumb because even at 70 outside, it gets 85 and up inside, and no airflow. Stupid. They fuel at Love's only, unless it can't be helped, and then you have to call in if you need fuel that is not on their generated route. They set it up instantly, but it's still unnecessary. Load planning is a toss of the dice, but generally not TOO bad. I'm going to guess around 70% drop and hook, but when it is a live warehouse, you can generally bet on taking a nap. They have a camera facing the driver. The outward facing camera is fine. But inside?... That's called an invasion of privacy. All just to kiss the butt of the insurance company. The fuel card is from some off the wall bank, I guess. You can't set it up for the CAT scale app, or the Love's fuel app. My home time was never really a problem, but the last one was almost 36 hours late. Their computer system has problems. It doesn't relay the macros properly for dispatching, reimbursements, detention, log certification... you get the picture. Call ahead for your next load info, if you know you have a pre-plan, otherwise you'll be burning up your clock.


Nice people Decent-ish equipment No bumper mounted auto-braking "safety" garbage


Low miles Driver pay Inside spy camera Slow trucks Computer system needs an upgrade

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Jun 28, 2020

Arnold more trailers. To many loads and unloads not enough drop and hooks. Not getting enough miles. Company have a lot to go. It need help.


You get paid.


Arnold, needs help. To stay in the game

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 5, 2019

I've been with Arnold for a little over 3 years, and overall I have no real complaints. Arnold is a Company with rules and policies just like any other company. The strongest part of Arnold is its people that you will deal with as a Driver....are there a few knuckleheads as FM's and Dispatch ?? well yeah everybody can have a bad day. Are there a few knuckleheads that are Drivers?? yeah anyone can have a bad day. My only real issue is with the apparent love affair with doesn't come from the Drivers or the Maintenance staff so somewhere some accountant or VP signed off on a " Great" deal from International. But what the #### I guess somebody has to drive them....sadly it's us.


People, Management and Maintenance support


The occasional disconnect between Drivers and Dispatch and International trucks.

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - Sep 22, 2017

Home time is offered but spend 1 minute past 48 hour mark and no assurance pay on top of detention pay over an hour gets ignored until enough time has gone by to claim no electronic detention was marked the company is as typical as any other mega carrier can't make money the old fashioned way so they steal from employees. You work for next to nothing can't even get reimburse for scales.


You can go home after your alotted has passed


It's having a 40 hour check for 70 hours worth of work

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Current Employee - May 10, 2016

You are out all but 2or 3 days a month generally, but they do their best to give you as many miles as u want . Unfortunately they will also let u burn yourself out too. I guess they believe you are smart enough to figure out what works for u. P.S. generally as a rule dont believe ANYTHING recruitment tells u at any company. Do your homework.


steady loads


hard on home time

Home Time
Equipment and Maintenance
Dispatchers and Managers

Salary Surveys

Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in on Sep 17, 2020

$624 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in San Antonio, Texas on May 5, 2019

$660 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 5+ Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in Oklahoma City, OK. on Sep 22, 2017

$800 per week

Current Employee


Company Driver - 2 Years CDL Experience

Surveyed in San luis, Colorado on May 10, 2016

$792 per week

Current Employee



does Arnold allow inverters?


Mar 17, 2014

does Arnold allow inverters?

Q: Going to orientation next week my recruiter didnt know if they allow power inverters just said some trucks have apus and if so how much wattage do they allow any info is appreciated


A: There's probably about 200 trucks in Arnold's fleet with APUs that we brought over from LinkAmerica. The internationals have the built in HVAC systems with outlets. The majority of white Petes have TK units with 1700 watt inverters. Most of the Penske lease cascadias have them as well. 

Company policy is no hard wired inverters unless medically neccesary. 

The people with APU units hang tight on their truck so getting assigned one will be very slim


A: Just went thru orientation in Austell .
The shop foreman said that inverters are allowed under the following conditions -
They must be installed by them. They supply the wiring and inline fuses .
1700 watt max.
They won't drop what they are doing to put one in , best time to get it done is when truck is in the shop for a P.M. which is every 35,000 miles .

quit western hows arnold?

Allow Me.

May 30, 2014

quit western hows arnold?

Been with Arnold 2 years now. Had my ups and downs, thought a lot about leaving. But I'm still here. If you show them you're a runner, not a screw off truck stop mushroom, they'll pile on the miles. Overall I'd say they are a better company today than a year ago. And it looks like they are getting better since January. You could do a lot worse that's for sure.

Picking a Truck Driving School in Winnipeg


Dec 26, 2014

Picking a Truck Driving School in Winnipeg

Arnold Bros has one of the best schools. But don't even think of working there!

Arnold Transportation Services (IPAM) Dedicated Account Amarillo TX


Sep 2, 2015

Arnold Transportation Services (IPAM) Dedicated Account Amarillo TX

I'm new to this forum. This may very well be the only post I ever make. However I feel that this has to be done in order to warn you guys and gals about this specific dedicated account at International Paper in Amarillo. I came across this opening online back in February 2015. It seemed like a good local gig to keep me home each night. After talking with a recruiter I learned that the job would pay 14.25/hr with a guaranteed 50 hr work week and even more if you wanted. I thought well that's okay after 40 hrs it will be overtime and that will make up quite a bit of ground income wise since I knew that being young and active I could easily do 55-60 hrs each week hands down. I calculated 60 hr week is 1000.00 gross, 800.00 net, just off the hourly rate. Not great money but enough to live relatively comfortable in Amarillo. Problem though, you will not be paid overtime until after 60 hours. Recruiter left that out. In addition to that I was told there would be local runs available to Vernon, Lubbock, and Garden City which would be paid flat mileage to Vernon and Garden City and a flat short haul rate of 75.00 to deliver loads less than 150 miles. Problem was there simply were not enough or they are given to over the road driver while us locals were left high and dry for whatever reason. The Lubbock run fell into that category. You would then be paid the deadhead miles back to Amarillo from Lubbock. With my experience of 8 years and being at the top of Arnold's pay scale at .45 mile, the Bell Dairy load to Lubbock paid 124.00 for a 5 hour turn to drop&hook. Not bad for 5 hrs of work. Here's the catch though, you have to go off the clock once you take off with any load going outside of Amarillo. They will not double pay you. Again my recruiter conveniently left out that key detail as well. Think that's rough, oh it get better. Unfortunately there is a sniveling little weasel that is in charge of this little shenanigan named Doug K. Let me tell you this guy is truly unique in many aspects. He has such a foul attitude each and everyday.This man will belittle you and give you absolutely no respect whatsoever. He was unceremoniously removed from the dispatch office in Grand Prairie simply because nobody wanted work with him. Arnold's brilliant solution to this, hey let's send him up to Amarillo to run the IPAM account. Bad idea guys. They gave this man a little bit of authority and it has completely gone to his head. Arnold Transportation, you know who I am. My name is Patrick. I have no reason to hide because I'm simply pointing out all the facts. I posted my picture on here so you guys know exactly who this this. I worked my tail off for 6 months, I was on time, everyday without exception. I came in early, stayed late, I would show up on Saturdays when nobody else would whenever needed. I have a question for you higher ups over there in GP. How is it that you guys can get so many phone calls and complaints about Doug from every driver that has come through here, yet you do absolutely nothing about it and simply laugh and look the other way? I get it, he makes the company a ton of money and is a very profitable asset to the company at the expense of the ones who really did the work? I asked for a raise that I rightfully earned and simply got the, oh well it's in the contract that we can only pay you 14.25/ hr no matter how hard you work. Really? Is this your philosophy on how to retain good drivers? You cannot make an exception and take care of the two best work horses you have? Just doesn't make any sense to me at all? Do you honestly think or are you guys naive enough to think you could find someone else to replace me? When I put in my two week notice nobody called me to say hey Patrick, what's going on bud? What can we do to make things better? But now I see, as long as Doug is making you a fortune, at our expense, he can do no wrong right? Drivers are a dime a dozen right? You guys can ask anyone on that yard or anyone in that shipping office about my work ethic. I promise you they will tell you I was the best at what I did and that goes without saying. Also none of them can stand Doug either and we are all praying and hoping Doug will not be back once the new contract is signed. Marvin W, you are good man, I really enjoyed the two occasions when you came up here and covered for numbnuts while he was on vacation. Man bro you are his boss though. Why do you look the other way when we would call in and complain about this cat? It seemed like every time we did, he would immediately know about it and I have to ask the question to you. Did you just look the other way also like everyone else? This review is no reflection of the entire company. There are some good people that work here. Under the right circumstances from what I heard from some the regional drivers, miles are pretty decent. I just wanted to put this out there for the rest of you drivers that consider doing this specific dedicated account at International Paper.